Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Applicable for the students of M. Tech. (Regular) Course from the Academic Year 2013-14 and onwards

The M. Tech. Degree of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad shall be conferred on
candidates who are admitted to the program and who fulfil all the requirements for the award of the Degree.


Admission to the above program shall be made subject to eligibility, qualification and specialization
as prescribed by the University from time to time.
Admissions shall be made on the basis of merit/rank obtained by the candidates at the qualifying
Entrance Test conducted by the University or on the basis of any other order of merit as approved by
the University, subject to reservations as laid down by the Govt. from time to time.


2.1 A student shall be declared eligible for the award of the M. Tech. Degree, if he pursues a course
of study in not less than two and not more than four academic years. However, he is permitted
to write the examinations for two more years after four academic years of course work.

2.2 A student, who fails to fulfill all the academic requirements for the award of the degree within four
academic years from the year of his admission, shall forfeit his seat in M. Tech. course.

2.3 The student shall register for all 88 credits and secure all the 88 credits.
2.4 The minimum instruction days in each semester are 90.
The following specializations are offered at present for the M. Tech. course of study.
1. Advanced Manufacturing Systems
2. Aerospace Engineering
3. Automation
4. Bio-Technology
6. Chemical Engineering
7. Communication Systems
8. Computer Networks
9. Computer Networks and Information Security
10. Computer Science
11. Computer Science and Engineering
12. Computers and Communication Engineering
13. Control Engineering
14. Control Systems
15. Design for Manufacturing/Design and Manufacturing
16. Digital Electronics and Communication Engineering
17. Digital Electronics and Communication Systems
18. Digital Systems and Computer Electronics
19. Electrical Power Engineering
20. Electrical Power Systems
21. Electronics & Instrumentation
22. Electronics and Communication Engineering
23. Embedded Systems
24. Embedded Systems and VLSI Design
25. Engineering Design
26. Environmental Engineering
27. Geoinformatics and Surveying Technology
28. Geotechnical Engineering
29. Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning
30. Highway Engineering
31. Image Processing
32. Industrial Engineering and Management
33. Information Technology
34. Machine Design
35. Mechatronics
36. Microwave & Radar Engineering
37. Nano Technology
38. Neural Networks
39. Parallel Computing
40. Power and Industrial Drives
41. Power Electronics
42. Power Electronics and Electrical Drives
43. Power Engineering and Energy Systems
44. Power Plant Engineering & Energy Management
45. Power System Control and Automation
46. Power System with Emphasis H.V. Engineering/H.V. Engineering
47. Production Engineering
48. Real Time Systems
49. Software Engineering
50. Structural Engineering
51. Systems & Signal Processing
52. Thermal Engineering
53. VLSI
54. VLSI and Embedded Systems
55. VLSI Design
56. VLSI System Design
57. Web Technology
58. Wireless and Mobile Communication
and any other course as approved by the University from time to time
Department of EEE offers M. Tech. Programmes with specializations as given below:
Control Engineering
Control Systems
Electrical Power Engineering
Electrical Power Systems
Power and Industrial Drives
Power Electronics
Power Electronics and Electrical Drives
Power Engineering and Energy Systems
Power System with Emphasis H.V. Engineering/H.V. Engineering
Power System Control and Automation

The programs are offered on a unit basis with each subject being considered a unit.
4.1 A student shall be eligible to write University examinations if he acquires a minimum of 75% of
attendance in aggregate of all the subjects.

4.2 Condonation of shortage of attendance in aggregate up to 10% (65% and above and below
75%) in each semester shall be granted by the College Academic Committee.

4.3 Shortage of Attendance below 65% in aggregate shall not be condoned.

4.4 Students whose shortage of attendance is not condoned in any semester are not eligible to
write their end semester examination of that class and their registration shall stand cancelled.

4.5 A prescribed fee shall be payable towards condonation of shortage of attendance.

4.6 A student shall not be promoted to the next semester unless he satisfies the attendance
requirement of the present semester, as applicable. They may seek readmission into that
semester when offered next. If any candidate fulfills the attendance requirement in the present
semester, he shall not be eligible for readmission into the same class.

4.7 A candidate shall put in a minimum required attendance at least in three (3) theory subjects in
the present semester to get promoted to the next semester. In order to qualify for the award of
the M. Tech. Degree, the candidate shall complete all the academic requirements of the
subjects, as per the course structure.

4.8 A student shall not be promoted to the next semester unless he satisfies the attendance
requirements of the previous semester including the days of attendance in sports, games,
NCC and NSS activities.

The performance of the candidate in each semester shall be evaluated subject-wise, with a maximum of
100 marks for theory and 100 marks for practicals, on the basis of Internal Evaluation and End
Semester Examination.
5.1 For the theory subjects 75 marks shall be awarded based on the performance in the End
Semester Examination and 25 marks shall be awarded based on the Internal Evaluation. The
internal evaluation shall be made based on the average of the marks secured in the two Mid
Term-Examinations conducted-one in the middle of the Semester and the other immediately after
the completion of instruction. Each mid term examination shall be conducted for a total duration
of 120 minutes with Part A as one compulsory question for 10 marks and Part B with 3 questions
to be answered out of 5 questions each question for 5 marks. If any candidate is absent from any
subject of a mid-term examination, an on-line test will be conducted for him by the University.
End semester examination is conducted for 75 marks with Part A as a compulsory question for
25 marks and Part B for 50 marks with 5 questions to be answered out of 7 questions.

5.2 For practical subjects, 75 marks shall be awarded based on the performance in the End
Semester Examinations and 25 marks shall be awarded based on the day-to-day performance
as Internal Marks.

5.3 There shall be two seminar presentations during I year I semester and II semester. For seminar,
a student under the supervision of a faculty member, shall collect the literature on a topic and
critically review the literature and submit it to the department in a report form and shall make an
oral presentation before the Departmental Academic Committee consisting of Head of the
Department, Supervisor and two other senior faculty members of the department. For each
Seminar there will be only internal evaluation of 50 marks. A candidate has to secure a minimum
of 50% of marks to be declared successful.

5.4 There shall be a Comprehensive Viva-Voce in II year I Semester. The Comprehensive Viva-Voce
will be conducted by a Committee consisting of Head of the Department and two Senior Faculty
members of the Department. The Comprehensive Viva-Voce is intended to assess the students’
understanding of various subjects he has studied during the M. Tech. course of study. The
Comprehensive Viva-Voce is evaluated for 100 marks by the Committee. There are no internal
marks for the Comprehensive Viva-Voce.

5.5 A candidate shall be deemed to have secured the minimum academic requirement in a subject if
he secures a minimum of 40% of marks in the End semester Examination and a minimum
aggregate of 50% of the total marks in the End Semester Examination and Internal Evaluation
taken together.

5.6 In case the candidate does not secure the minimum academic requirement in any subject (as
specified in 5.5) he has to reappear for the End semester Examination in that subject. A
candidate shall be given one chance to re-register for each subject provided the internal marks
secured by a candidate are less than 50% and so has failed in the end examination. In such a
case, the candidate must re-register for the subject(s) and secure the required minimum
attendance. The candidate’s attendance in the re-registered subject(s) shall be calculated
separately to decide upon his eligibility for writing the end examination in those subject(s). In the
event of the student taking another chance, his internal marks and end examination marks
obtained in the previous attempt stand cancelled.

5.7 In case the candidate secures less than the required attendance in any subject, he shall not be
permitted to write the End Examination in that subject. He shall re-register the subject when next

5.8 Laboratory examination for M. Tech. courses must be conducted with two Examiners, one of
them being the Laboratory Class Teacher and the second examiner shall be another Laboratory teacher.


Every candidate shall be required to submit a thesis or dissertation on a topic approved by the Project
Review Committee.
6.1 A Project Review Committee (PRC) shall be constituted with Principal as Chairperson, Heads
of all the Departments offering the M. Tech. programs and two other senior faculty members.

6.2 Registration of Project Work: A candidate is permitted to register for the project work after
satisfying the attendance requirement of all the subjects, both theory and practical.

6.3 After satisfying 6.2, a candidate has to submit, in consultation with his project supervisor, the
title, objective and plan of action of his project work to the Departmental Academic Committee
for approval. Only after obtaining the approval of the Departmental Academic Committee can
the student initiate the Project work.

6.4 If a candidate wishes to change his supervisor or topic of the project, he can do so with the
approval of the Departmental Academic Committee. However, the Departmental Academic
Committee shall examine whether or not the change of topic/supervisor leads to a major
change of his initial plans of project proposal. If yes, his date of registration for the project
work starts from the date of change of Supervisor or topic as the case may be.

6.5 A candidate shall submit his status report in a bound-form in two stages at least with a gap of 3
months between them.

6.6 The work on the project shall be initiated at the beginning of the II year and the duration of the
project is two semesters. A candidate is permitted to submit Project Thesis only after
successful completion of theory and practical course with the approval of PRC not earlier than
40 weeks from the date of registration of the project work. For the approval of PRC the
candidate shall submit the draft copy of thesis to the Principal through Head of the Department
and make an oral presentation before the PRC.

6.7 Three copies of the Project Thesis certified by the supervisor shall be submitted to the

6.8 The thesis shall be adjudicated by one examiner selected by the University. For this, the
Principal of the College shall submit a panel of 5 examiners, eminent in that field, with the help
of the guide concerned and head of the department.

6.9 If the report of the examiner is not favourable, the candidate shall revise and resubmit the
Thesis, in the time frame as decided by the PRC. If the report of the examiner is unfavourable
again, the thesis shall be summarily rejected.

6.10 If the report of the examiner is favourable, Viva-Voce examination shall be conducted by a
board consisting of the Supervisor, Head of the Department and the examiner who adjudicated
the Thesis. The Board shall jointly report the candidate’s work as one of the following:
A. Excellent
B. Good
C. Satisfactory
D. Unsatisfactory
The Head of the Department shall coordinate and make arrangements for the conduct of Viva-
Voce examination.
If the report of the Viva-Voce is unsatisfactory, the candidate shall retake the Viva-Voce
examination only after three months. If he fails to get a satisfactory report at the second Viva-
Voce examination, he will not be eligible for the award of the degree.

Class Awarded                                          % of marks to be secured
First Class with Distinction                              70% and above
First Class                                                        Below 70% but not less than 60%
Second Class                                                    Below 60% but not less than 50%

Pass Class                                                        Below 50% but not less than 40%


If the student has not paid the dues, if any, to the university or if any case of indiscipline is pending
against him, the result of the student will be withheld and he will not be allowed into the next
semester. His degree will be withheld in such cases.

9.1 Discontinued, detained, or failed candidates are eligible for admission to two earlier or equivalent
subjects at a time as and when offered.
9.2 The candidate who fails in any subject will be given two chances to pass the same subject;
otherwise, he has to identify an equivalent subject as per R13 academic regulations.

10.1 Wherever the words “he”, “him”, “his”, occur in the regulations, they include “she”, “her”,

10.2 The academic regulation should be read as a whole for the purpose of any interpretation.

10.3 In the case of any doubt or ambiguity in the interpretation of the above rules, the decision of
the Vice-Chancellor is final.

10.4 The University may change or amend the academic regulations or syllabi at any time and
the changes or amendments made shall be applicable to all the students with effect from
the dates notified by the University.

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