Saturday, November 23, 2013

Microprocessors & Microcontrollers (Syllabus 3-2)

UNIT I: 8086 Architecture;
Introduction to 8085 Microprocessor, 8086 Architecture-Functional diagram. Register Organization, Memory Segmentation. Programming Mode!. Memory addresses. Physical memory organization. Architecture of 8086, signal descriptions of 8086- common function signals. Minimum and Maximum mode signals. Timing diagrams. Interrupts of 8086.

UNIT II: Instruction Set and Assembly Language Programming of 8086:
Instruction formats, addressing modes, instruction set, assembler directives, macros, simple programs involving logical, branch and call instructions, sorting, evaluating arithmetic expressions, string manipulations.

UNIT III: I/O Interface:
8255 PPI various modes of operation and interfacing to 8086. Interfacing keyboard, display, stepper motor interfacing, D/A and A/D converter.

UNIT IV: Interfacing with advanced devices:
Memory interfacing to 8086, Interrupt structure of 8086, Vector interrupt table, Interrupt service routine. Introduction to DOS and BIOS interrupts, Interfacing Interrupt Controller 8259 DMA Controller 8257 to 8086.

UNIT V: Communication Interface:
Serial communication standards, Serial data transfer schemes. 8251 USART architecture and interfacing. RS- 232. IEEE-4-88, Prototyping and trouble shooting.

UNIT VI: Introduction to Microcontrollers:
Overview of 8051 microcontroller. Architecture. I/O Ports. Memory organization, addressing modes and instruction set of 8051, simple program

UNIT VII: 8051 Real Time Control:
Interrupts, timer/ Counter and serial communication, programming Timer Interrupts, programming external hardware interrupts, programming the serial communication interrupts, programming 8051 timers and counters

UNIT VIII: The AVR RISC microcontroller architecture:
Introduction, AVR Family architecture, Register File, The ALU. Memory access and Instruction execution. I/O memory. EEPROM. I/O ports. Timers. UART. Interrupt Structure

1. D. V. Hall. Micro processors and Interfacing, TMGH. 2'1 edition 2006.

2. Kenneth. J. Ayala. The 8051 microcontroller , 3rd edition, Cengage learning, 2010
1. Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals - A. K. Ray and K.M. Bhurchandani, TMH, 2nd edition 2006.

2. The 8051 Microcontrollers, Architecture and programming and Applications -K.Uma Rao, Andhe Pallavi,,Pearson, 2009.

3. Micro Computer System 8086/8088 Family Architecture. Programming and Design - By Liu and GA Gibson, PHI, 2nd Ed.,

4. Microcontrollers and application, Ajay. V. Deshmukh, TMGH. 2005

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