Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Network Theory online bits

I Choose the correct alternative:
(1) For a two port network to be reciprocal [ ] (a)Z11=Z22 (b)Y12=Y21 (c)h22=h12+h21 (d)AD-BC=0
(2) An ideal transformer does not have __________ parameters [ ]
(a)Z (b)Y (c)both Z and Y (d)h
(3) The transistor circuits can be easily analysed in ___________ parameters [ ]
(a)Z (b)h (c)Y (d)ABCD
(4) What kind of filter can be used to select a signal of one particular radio station [ ] (a)low pass (b)high pass (c)band pass (d)band stop
(5) In Fourier series the term w0 is called as __________ frequency. [ ]
(a)second (b)nth (c)fourth (d)fundamental
(6) For a reciprocal network h12 =_______ [ ] (a)h21 (b)h11 (c)h22 (d)-h21
(7) In ABCD parameters C means [ ] (a) open circuit voltage ratio (b) negative short circuit transfer impedance
(c) open circuit transfer admittance (d) all the above
(8) One decibel = ______________ Nepers [ ] (a)0.115 (b)0.3 (c)1.2 (d)-1.2
(9) Ideally a filter should have _____________ attenuation. [ ] (a) infinite (b) half (c) four times (d)zero
(10) A low pass filter having a cut-off frequency of 2 kHz to operate with a terminated load of 500ohms. The value of C is ________ μF [ ]
(a) 0.318 (b) 0.999 (c) 0.345 (d) 0.639

II Fill in the blanks:
(11) A two-port network is given by I1=2V1+V2 and I2=V1+V2 then Z11 is _________.
(12) In h parameters the term h21 means ______________________.
(13) For a high pass filter having a cut-off frequency is 1kHz with a load resistance of 600ohms. The value of L is ________.
(14) If a function satisfies f(t)=f(t+nT) then that function is called _________.
(15) In Fourier series the fourier co-efficients are usually represented by__________________.
(16) The Z parameters are 0.9, 0.2, 0.2, 0.6 respectively then Y22 is ___________.
(17) In g-parameters the parameter g11 is called as _______________________.
(18) Any one application in which filters are used is __________________________.
(19) The harmonic frequency Wn is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency given by _________________.
(20) The ____________ of a periodic function is a representation that resolves into a dc component and an ac component comprising an infinite series of harmonic sinusoids.
I Choose the correct alternative:
1. b
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. d
6. d
7. c
8. a
9. d
10. a
II Fill in the blanks:
11. 1
12. short circuit forward current gain
13. 47.74mH
14. periodic
15. a0 , an bn
16. 0.9
17. open circuit input admittance
18. communication systems
19. Wn=nW0
20. Fourier series

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